Bioflux - Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation

Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation

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Volume 7(4)/2014

First pages, 2014 AACL Bioflux 7(4):i-vi.

Faghani-Langroudi H., Esmailpour-Chokami H., Eslamkhah-Taghizad M. M., Rohani-Rad M., Mousavi-Sabet H., 2014 Lenght-weight and lenght-lenght relationships of Cyprinion macrostomum from Tigris River drainage. AACL Bioflux 7(4):235-240.

Muhammadar A. A., Mazlan A. G., Samat A., Asmawati M. S., Muchlisin Z. A., Rimmer M. A., Simon K. D., 2014 Growth, survival and feed conversion of juvenile tiger grouper Epinephelus fuscoguttatus in different salinity regimes. AACL Bioflux 7(4):241-247.

Bawole R., Pattiasina T. F., Kawulur E. I. J. J., 2014 Coral-fish association and its spatial distribution in Cenderawasih Bay National Park Papua, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 7(4):248-254

Serrano Jr. A. E., Aquino J. I. L., 2014 Protein concentrate of Ulva intestinalis (Chlorophyta, Ulvaceae) could replace soybean meal in the diet of Oreochromis niloticus fry. AACL Bioflux 7(4):255-262.

Noija D., Martasuganda S., Murdiyanto B., Taurusman A. A., 2014 Analysis of fish catches by traditional and mechanized handline in Ambon Island waters, Maluku, Indonesia. AACL Bioflux 7(4):263-267.

Livengood E. J., Funicelli N., Chapman F. A., 2014 The applicability of the U.S. Law Enforcement Management System (LEMIS) database for the protection and management of ornamental fish. AACL Bioflux 7(4):268-275.

Jouladeh Roudbar A., Rahmani H., Esmaeili H. R., Vatandoust S., 2014 Morphological variations among Chondrostoma regium populations in the Tigris River drainage. AACL Bioflux 7(4):276-285.

Kabir M., Abolfathi M., Hajimoradloo A., Zahedi S., Kathiresan K., Goli S., 2014 Effect of mangroves on distribution, diversity and abundance of molluscs in mangrove ecosystem: a review. AACL Bioflux 7(4):286-300.

Burada A., Topa C. M., Georgescu L. P., Teodorof L., Nastase C., Seceleanu-Odor D., Negrea B. M., Iticescu C., 2014 Heavy metals accumulation in plankton and water of four aquatic complexes from Danube Delta area. AACL Bioflux 7(4):301-310.

Rashidi Y., Javaheri Baboli M., Askary Sary A., 2014 Effect of vacuum packing on quality changes of refrigerated Jinga shrimp Metapenaeus affinis muscle. AACL Bioflux 7(4):311-319.

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